Hello! We are Ben and Jobie and we could not be more excited to be first time parents! We have been married for 10 years and are looking to grow our family through the blessing of adoption! Please share our page and follow us on our journey! #GoodrosAdopt
Q: Tell us about your home and neighborhood.
A: We recently moved to our new home in May, 2020. The house is one of 12 on a dead end street surrounded by residential blocks and a few small farms. We live about 30 minutes south of the major city center in the area. While we have a Costco, Walmart, Lowe's etc within 8 minutes, it feels a bit more like the country here. The homes on our street were all built in the last 2-4 years and have animal rights. We love the extra space here, with a mountain view out our front windows. We have a spacious home on a 1 acre lot. We wanted to have plenty of room for kids to play, have bbq's in the backyard and potentially have some animals on the property. We live in a close knit community where neighbors are friendly and look out for one another. At just about any time of day there are multiple groups of small children out playing in the street or across the yards. Jobie's parents live in the Mother In-Law apartment downstairs. They are incredibly loving and involved in all of their grandkids' lives. We are also very grateful for the extra help as we begin our own journey as new parents.
Q: How did you meet?
A: Oddly enough, we met on a blind date! It was the only blind date either of us ever went on a second date with. We were both cheerleaders in college. Ben attended the University of Utah and Jobie attended Brigham Young University. Despite being big rival universities, we still make our marriage work 😄 😉 Jobie's roommate was on the Utah Jazz Stunt Team with Ben and set us up on the blind date. We hit it off instantly. We dated for 3 years and then got married in June of 2010. We even got to experience our shared hobby and cheered together in 2012 and 2013 on the Utah Jazz Stunt team.
Q: What do you do for work?
A: Ben is a Vice President of Sales for a software company. He leads the department that sells to government and education. He loves the challenge and growth his job provides. Ben loves to coach and mentor others and finds fulfillment in his work. Jobie coaches gymnastics, cheer and tumbling as well as Fitness competitors. Jobie has worked with and coached kids for over 15 years and they absolutely love her! She loves to help people and puts in more effort than she is ever asked to for her clients. Jobie is a giver and she loves to see her kids and clients be successful and improve.
Q: What are your hobbies and interests?
A: If you have browsed through our pictures and social media profiles, you'll know that we love boating. Jobie grew up boating and converted Ben. During the warmer months we are often found on the lake with friends and family, taking the nieces and nephews tubing, skiing and hydrofoiling. We both love camping and the outdoors. You'll find us camping in our tent several weekends a year, exploring new state and national parks or revisiting favorites like Yellowstone, Zions and others. Ben is an avid fly fisherman and converted Jobie to fishing. This gives us another excuse to travel, hike, camp and spend time in the outdoors. Fitness is also a significant part of our lives. Jobie is an IFBB Professional Fitness Competitor. Her competitions consist of a routine that involves gymnastics, flexibility, strength and dance. She loves being on the stage and performing and coaches and trains other Fitness competitors as well.
Q: What led you to want to adopt?
A: Jobie has severe Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. We always knew that giving birth to our children was never really an option for us. Last year in November, Jobie's doctor recommended a hysterectomy. Her Endometriosis and Adenomyosis caused a great deal of pain that Jobie had dealt with for many years. During a surgery to remove Endometrial scarring, the doctor could see that Jobie's uterus was not only causing a great deal of Jobie's pain, but that it was dysfunctional and we made the decision to have it removed. Even though we always knew that we would not give birth to our children, having it ruled out 100% was a factor in our decision to move forward with our path toward adoption. Adoption has always been a part of our family. Jobie's aunt was adopted as a baby and Jobie's older sister placed her first baby for adoption when she was 17. As Jobie witnessed the process her sister went through, she saw and understood how the baby was an answer to the adopting family's prayers and the adopting family was an answer to Jobie's sisters prayers as well. Jobie's family continues to stay in touch with the adopting family and has a wonderful relationship that allows Jobie's family to stay updated on her life with her adoptive family. We have spent the last few years researching international adoption, foster care and domestic adoption and we feel that domestic adoption is what is right for our family. After so many years, we couldn't be more excited about bringing a child into our family!
Q: Tell us more about yourselves.
A: Ben - Ben grew up in Murray, UT and has 4 brothers. One younger, one the same age (identical twins!) and two older brothers. With 5 overactive boys, Ben's mother is a saint for surviving the early years (four of them are within 4 years of one another!). Ben loves being a twin and feels bad for everyone that doesn't have one, ha! He always had a best buddy growing up and continues to be close to his twin brother, Pete. Ben grew up playing sports and spending time in the outdoors with his family. He grew to love camping, fishing, hiking and spending time in the great outdoors. Almost every family vacation was in the outdoors. Whether to see a new National or State Park, backpacking or visiting one of the family cabins with cousins. In High School, Ben was on the Soccer, Volleyball and Wrestling teams. He loved his time in those sports where he learned healthy competition and mental and physical discipline. He also comes from a musical family and played the saxophone in band in Orchestra, Symphonic Band and Jazz Band. After High School, Ben served a religious mission for two years in Southern Chile, where he shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ and served the people there. This was a formative time for him where he grew personally and learned independence, how to love and serve others and leadership. Ben attended the University of Utah for his Bachelor's degree in Behavior Science and Health. He joined the Cheerleading team and was able to compete nationally, travel with the sports teams and receive a scholarship. Ben loved this part of his college life and continued on to perform with acrobatic groups and was a member of the Utah Jazz Stunt Team for several years. He even got to be on the Jazz Stunt Team with Jobie for a couple of years after they got married. Ben earned his MBA from Grand Canyon University in 2011. Ben's career has always been in sales. Starting from inside sales jobs during college to outside sales in education and government. He has held leadership positions at almost every company he as worked at and currently leads a State and Local Government sales organization within the company he works at now. He loves the challenge that sales brings and that he always has the opportunity to grow and learn. He also loves coaching and mentoring, which are a large part of his current role.
Jobie - Coming soon!